Ray Retires After 30 Years with NMMC

Ramona RayTUPELO, Mississippi – With a big smile and a distinctive voice, Ramona Ray has welcomed patients, families and exercisers to the North Mississippi Medical Center campus in Tupelo for three decades.
After 30 years and seven months, Ray is signing off from her NMMC career, which included roles at the Center for Digestive Health and the Wellness Center.
“I never thought I would make it this far!” said Ray, who capped off her career as an admissions/discharge specialist at the Center for Digestive Health.
Ray started her NMHS journey in 1993 when she joined NMMC-Tupelo as a switchboard operator. For 23 years, Ray was a fixture at the NMMC Wellness Center in Tupelo. She served first as a member service representative and then as billing coordinator. In 2020, she moved across South Madison Street to the Center for Digestive Health.
“I have seen a lot of changes through the years and have made a lot of friends,” Ray said.
Ray graduated from Nettleton High School and earned a bachelor’s degree in communication from Mississippi State University. She and her husband, Randy Harmon, have a dog, Jake.
Ray plans to stay busy in retirement watching her great-nieces and nephews play ball and finding new adventures.
“I’m looking forward to not having to get up so early!” Ray said.