NMMC Presents DAISY Award to Johnson

North Mississippi Medical Center recently presented the DAISY Award to Morgan Beasley Johnson of Women’s Hospital.
Morgan Johnson receives award
Morgan Johnson receives award

NMMC Presents DAISY Award to Johnson

North Mississippi Medical Center recently presented the DAISY Award to Morgan Beasley Johnson of Women’s Hospital.
May 31 2022
Morgan Johnson

TUPELO, Mississippi—North Mississippi Medical Center recently presented the DAISY Award to Morgan Beasley Johnson of Women’s Hospital.

Johnson was nominated by a coworker for going above and beyond for a long-term maternity patient who spent several months hospitalized during her pregnancy. “Because she was at Women’s Hospital for so long, she lost the opportunity of celebrating her pregnancy with loved ones outside the hospital,” her coworker wrote. “Morgan organized a surprise baby shower at the hospital, with staff being invited to celebrate with her.”

A 2016 graduate of Mantachie High School, Johnson earned her associate degree in nursing from Itawamba Community College in 2019 and her bachelor’s degree in nursing from Mississippi University for Women in 2020. She joined the NMMC staff on 6 South in 2019 and transferred to the Mother-Baby Unit at Women’s Hospital in March 2021. She recently transitioned to the Resource Pool at Women’s Hospital.

The DAISY Award is an international program that rewards and celebrates the extraordinary compassionate and skillful care given by nurses every day. Nomination forms are available throughout NMMC or at www.nmhs.net/daisy-award. For more information, call (662) 377-3431 or email daisyawards@nmhs.net.