medicaid 5050

What is Medicaid?

Medicaid is a joint federal and state program that helps pay medical costs for people with limited income who meet certain eligibility criteria.

Mississippi & Alabama Medicaid

In Mississippi, NMHS accepts Mississippi Medicaid. Alabama locations accept Alabama Medicaid. Every state has different rules for Medicaid. Contact your state’s Medicaid office for guidance on income guidelines, the application process, and which providers, facilities and procedures are covered by your plan.

Managed Medicaid Plans

Mississippi also contracts with health insurance companies to use Managed Medicaid HMO plans to coordinate care for different groups of participants. NMHS is contracted with the following Managed Medicaid Plans in Mississippi:

Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

State Medicaid agencies also manage the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

CHIP provides low-cost health coverage to uninsured children up to age 19 in families that earn too much money to qualify for Medicaid and meet income guidelines to qualify for CHIP.

In Mississippi, CHIP is administered by UnitedHealthcare Community Plan and Molina Healthcare.

Dually Eligible for Medicare & Medicaid

Some aged and disabled individuals qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid. These dual complete programs combine both Medicare and Medicaid benefits to this population. Medicaid benefits cover Medicare premium costs, deductibles, coinsurance and prescription costs. NMHS contracts with the following plans:

Please Note

NMHS' participation with any product or insurance plan is subject to change without notice. Additionally, insurance companies offer a variety of plans and may change the names and benefits at any point. Your level of coverage depends on the specific benefits outlined in your level of coverage and your plan. To ensure that NMHS and its providers are in-network, it is your responsibility to verify that NMHS is a participating provider and your benefit plan allows you access as of the day of a visit and/or admission. Please contact your insurance plan to obtain this information.

Patient Access Specialists

Your NMHS patient access specialist (PAS) can help answer questions about insurance and communicate with your insurance company. In most cases, you will be able to connect with a PAS at the hospital, clinic or facility where you are receiving care.