NMMC Rehab to Sponsor Adaptive Water Ski Clinic

North Mississippi Medical Center Rehabilitation Services will sponsor a free Adaptive Water Ski Clinic on Tuesday, June 20.

NMMC Rehab to Sponsor Adaptive Water Ski Clinic

North Mississippi Medical Center Rehabilitation Services will sponsor a free Adaptive Water Ski Clinic on Tuesday, June 20.
May 08 2023
rehab poster

TUPELO, Miss.—North Mississippi Medical Center Rehabilitation Services will sponsor a free Adaptive Water Ski Clinic on Tuesday, June 20.

The clinic will be held at Boar’s Head Lake on State Park Road near Tombigbee State Park for individuals who are at least one year post-spinal cord injury or traumatic brain injury, or who have other physical limitations. 

Participation is limited, and registration is required. To register call the NMMC Outpatient Rehabilitation Center at (662) 377-7215 or 1-800-THE DESK (1-800-843-3375).