Benavidez Named NMMC Star of the Month

Mary Benavidez, RN, of the Pediatrics unit and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit has been selected as North Mississippi Medical Center’s Star of the Month for February.

Benavidez Named NMMC Star of the Month

Mary Benavidez, RN, of the Pediatrics unit and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit has been selected as North Mississippi Medical Center’s Star of the Month for February.
Apr 13 2022
Mary Benavidez

TUPELO, Mississippi—Mary Benavidez, RN, of the Pediatrics unit and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit has been selected as North Mississippi Medical Center’s Star of the Month for February.

A coworker nominated Benavidez when a local clinic called and needed help drawing a blood sample from a 2-year-old child after unsuccessful attempts. Benavidez, who was filling in at the NMMC Women’s Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit that day, volunteered to meet the family in the Women’s Hospital laboratory for the draw.


Mary Benavidez presentation

Benavidez reassured the parents with her years of experience on the Pediatrics unit and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. “Mary was so good with the patient and only had to stick the patient once,” her coworker wrote. “She went over and beyond, and this family was very thankful.”


Benavidez has worked for NMMC for almost 24 years. She completed her licensed practical nurse training at Itawamba Community College and worked with cancer patients her first year at NMMC before transferring to Pediatrics. She earned her associate degree in nursing from ICC in 2009 and her bachelor’s degree in nursing from Mississippi University for Women in 2017. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree and training as a nurse practitioner.

The Star of Month is selected by a team of NMMC employees. For more information, visit