NMMC-Pontotoc Announces Inaugural DAISY, BEE Awards
North Mississippi Medical Center-Pontotoc recently announced its first-ever DAISY and BEE award winners.
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- NMMC-Pontotoc Announces Inaugural DAISY, BEE Awards

NMMC-Pontotoc Announces Inaugural DAISY, BEE Awards
North Mississippi Medical Center-Pontotoc recently announced its first-ever DAISY and BEE award winners.
Registered nurse Kate Easterling receives NMMC-Pontotoc’s first DAISY Award from Administrator Jamie Rodgers, left, and Chief Nursing Officer Hunter Williamson.
PONTOTOC, Mississippi – North Mississippi Medical Center-Pontotoc recently announced its first ever DAISY and BEE award winners.
“The nurses and health care professionals who care for patients and their families are the heart of NMMC-Pontotoc,” said Hunter Williamson, the hospital’s chief nursing officer. “We want to shine a spotlight on these health care heroes.”
Registered nurse Kate Easterling, who serves as the outpatient coordinator, is the recipient of the first DAISY Award given at NMMC-Pontotoc. The DAISY Award is an international program that rewards and celebrates the extraordinary compassionate and skillful care given by nurses every day.
A patient who made daily visits to the hospital for two weeks, including weekends and holidays, nominated Easterling for the DAISY Award. The patient wrote about Easterling’s care, compassion and dedication during her treatment.
“She definitely has her heart at the center for the work she is doing,” the patient wrote. “She performs in a caring and gentle manner and is giving of herself to improve the health of others.”
Easterling joined NMMC-Pontotoc in 2015. She is a graduate of Booneville High School and Northwest Mississippi Community College in Senatobia. She is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in nursing at Mississippi University for Women in Columbus.
She and her husband, Ethan, have three children, Ezra, Everett and Ada James. They live in Pontotoc and attend Anchor Church in Verona.

Respiratory therapist Beverly Wardlaw receives NMMC-Pontotoc’s first BEE Award from Administrator Jamie Rodgers, left, and Chief Nursing Officer Hunter Williamson.
Respiratory therapist Beverly Wardlaw received the first BEE Award given at NMMC-Pontotoc. The BEE – Beyond Exceptional Expectations – Award recognizes health care professionals who consistently demonstrate excellence.
A patient’s daughter nominated Wardlaw for her compassion and assistance. Wardlaw went above and beyond in caring for her mother, who struggled with confusion as well as pneumonia during her hospital stay.
“She would do her respiratory care with kindness and made Mother calm with her patience,” the daughter wrote. “She is a JEWEL!”
Wardlaw joined NMMC-Pontotoc in 2015. She is a graduate of Itawamba Community College.
She and her husband, Mark, live in Pontotoc and have two children, Taylor and Riley. She attends First Baptist Church in Pontotoc.
The DAISY Award and BEE Award will be given each quarter at NMMC-Pontotoc. Nomination forms are available throughout the hospital. For more information, call (662) 488-7633 or (662) 489-5510.