Security Chief Retires with 39+ Years of Service

Congratulations to Kenneth R. Wheeler, director of Security Services, who retired after more than 39 years of service at North Mississippi Medical Center.

Security Chief Retires with 39+ Years of Service

Congratulations to Kenneth R. Wheeler, director of Security Services, who retired after more than 39 years of service at North Mississippi Medical Center.
Jan 12 2023
Kenneth Wheeler

Congratulations to Kenneth R. Wheeler, director of Security Services, who recently retired after more than 39 years of service at North Mississippi Medical Center. Kenneth joined NMMC in September 1983 in the Supply Processing and Distribution area and in 1985 transferred to the Purchasing Department. In 1987, he joined Security Services, where he was named department director in 1989.

Kenneth attended Shannon High School before graduating from George Washington Carver High School in Memphis in 1977. He earned a bachelor’s degree in industrial technology/agricultural engineering from Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Tennessee, in 1983. He is a master’s degree candidate in security management with Tulane University’s School of Professional Advancement in New Orleans.

During his tenure at NMMC, Kenneth attained numerous certifications, including Crisis Prevention Instructor (Emeritus), Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) Specialist II and Active Shooter/Hostile Event Specialist (ASHER).

Kenneth says his career has been extremely rewarding. “I was afforded the opportunity to meet, collaborate and work with all levels of staff and teammates,” he says. “I was granted the opportunity to design build and manage the hospital’s physical security program. And I enjoyed collaborating with Nursing administration to teach security awareness and crisis prevention.”

With his career in the rearview mirror, Kenneth says, “I will dearly miss perfecting the physical security program, as well as all the people it takes to provide an environment free of harm to staff, patients and visitors.”

When he reflects on his time at NMMC, Kenneth says he is reminded of Ecclesiastes 3: 9-13, which says in part “(God) has made everything beautiful in its time.... I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat, work and find satisfaction in all their toll—this is the gift of God.”

“There is a season for all things; learn to recognize and understand that those seasons have a beginning and an end,” Kenneth says. “God has provided that beginning, but in the same moment, provided the end. Trust the process with faith, perseverance and thankfulness for ALL things, great and small.”

Kenneth lives in Tupelo with his wife, Cheryl, who serves as director of North Mississippi Medical Center’s Child Care Center. The Wheelers have two children, Tiffany Wheeler-Grice and Brandon Wheeler, and a grandson, Braydon Grice.

Now that he has retired, Kenneth looks forward to developing new business opportunities on his family's farm.