Hebner Appointed to State Advisory Council

Dennis Hebner, Emergency Services director for North Mississippi Ground Ambulance, has been tapped to serve on the Mississippi Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council.

Hebner Appointed to State Advisory Council

Dennis Hebner, Emergency Services director for North Mississippi Ground Ambulance, has been tapped to serve on the Mississippi Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council.
Jan 20 2022
Dennis Hebner

TUPELO, Mississippi – Dennis Hebner, Emergency Services director for North Mississippi Ground Ambulance, has been tapped to serve on the Mississippi Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council.

Hebner, who joined North Mississippi Health Services in 2014, was appointed to a four-year term on the advisory council by Gov. Tate Reeves.

The advisory council was created to provide insight and advice to the Mississippi State Department of Health on developing an unfragmented statewide trauma care system, disbursement of funds to municipalities, counties and emergency medical service districts to support EMS programs.

“I am truly honored to be appointed by the Governor to represent the State of Mississippi on the Emergency Medical Service Advisory Council,” Hebner said. “I am looking forward to sharing my experience and knowledge with the advisory council on the betterment of Mississippi EMS for the care of the Mississippians we service.”

Hebner started his 35-year health care career as a paramedic and firefighter in Corpus Christi, Texas, and held a number of health care leadership roles in South Texas before joining NMHS. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Walden University and a masters’ degree in business administration from Sul Ross State University.