Rice, Southworth Reach Board Certification Milestone

Dr. William Rice and Dr. Stephen Southworth made history as the 1st orthopaedic surgeons at NMMC to complete board certification for the fourth time

Rice, Southworth Reach Board Certification Milestone

Dr. William Rice and Dr. Stephen Southworth made history as the 1st orthopaedic surgeons at NMMC to complete board certification for the fourth time
Jul 13 2023
Dr. William Rice
Dr. Stephen Southworth

TUPELO, Mississippi—Dr. William Rice and Dr. Stephen Southworth recently made history as the first orthopaedic surgeons at North Mississippi Medical Center to complete board certification for the fourth time through the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery.

Each board certification cycle represents 10 years, which means both physicians have marked more than 30 years of orthopaedic excellence. Their board certification status now extends until 2033.

Dr. Rice joined the NMMC medical staff in 1996 and practices at NMMC Orthopaedic Trauma Clinic. He graduated from Vanderbilt University College of Medicine in 1984 and completed his internship at the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics. Dr. Rice completed a fellowship at the American Sports Medicine Institute in 1990.

Dr. Southworth joined the NMMC medical staff in 2000 and practices at Orthopaedic Institute of North Mississippi. He graduated from the Medical College of Ohio Hospital in 1985 and also did his residency there. Dr. Southworth completed a fellowship at Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center in 1991.

The American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery’s mission is to ensure safe, ethical and effective practice of orthopaedic surgery by maintaining the highest standards for education, practice and conduct through examination, initial certification and maintenance of re-certification for the benefit of the public.

For more information about orthopaedic services, visit nmhs.net/orthopedics or call 1-800-THE DESK (1-800-843-3375).