Tupelo Woman Thankful for Good Outcome after COVID-19

Susan Ward and Dr. Dowdy“It was an experience that I never want to have again,” recalls Susan Ward of Tupelo about her recent bout with COVID-19. Her husband tested positive on a Monday and immediately left home to try to protect Susan, whose multiple medical issues put her at high risk. “I woke up that Friday morning with a serious headache and fever,” she says. “I knew that I was sick.” Susan went to West Tupelo Medical Clinic and Urgent Care, where she saw Matt Dowdy, D.O.

“I have serious health problems, including compromised lungs and autoimmune disorders,” Susan says. “I have to be very careful.” Dr. Dowdy ordered a rapid antigen test, which returned negative, and a PCR test, the gold standard for COVID-19 testing but takes a few days to process. “He prescribed medications for my symptoms and told me to go to NMMC if I got worse over the weekend,” she says. Her husband returned home so she wouldn’t be alone. Her fever and coughing persisted throughout the weekend but were manageable. At 8 a.m. that Monday morning, Dr. Dowdy himself called with Susan’s COVID-19 diagnosis.

“I could hardly talk to him because I was coughing so much,” Susan says. “He referred me for monoclonal antibody treatment and other medication. He told me, ‘I am going to help you in every way I can.’”

Susan says she finally turned the corner later that week but struggled with lingering effects for a few more weeks. “With my health history, over the years I’ve had scans, prods, pokes—none of that scares me,” she says. “With my low immunity, COVID-19 scares me.

“I’m glad he hit it as hard as he could. Things might not have turned out as well if I had seen a less fastidious physician. I believe Dr. Dowdy went over and above, and because of that, I had a good outcome.”

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