NMMC Names Doxey as Star of the Month

North Mississippi Medical Center in Tupelo has named pharmacist Megan Doxey as the most recent Star of the Month.
Megan Doxey presentation
Megan Doxey presentation

NMMC Names Doxey as Star of the Month

North Mississippi Medical Center in Tupelo has named pharmacist Megan Doxey as the most recent Star of the Month.
Aug 15 2022
Megan Doxey

TUPELO, Mississippi—North Mississippi Medical Center in Tupelo has named pharmacist Megan Doxey as the most recent Star of the Month.

After regular business hours one Friday, NMMC Home Infusion received a call regarding a young terminally ill patient who wished to be discharged from the hospital to NMMC Home Hospice the next day. To control her pain at home, the patient would need a patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) pump that would provide medicine when she pressed a button.

“Megan put her weekend plans on hold and drove back from out of town on Saturday to assist the on-call pharmacist in entering the order, admixing and double checking the dosing,” a coworker wrote in her nomination. Doxey also coordinated with the Home Hospice nurse to receive the PCA pump so that the patient could go home the next day.

“Megan exhibited tremendous customer service and compassion and ensured quality and safety for the patient so she could be discharged,” her coworker wrote.

Doxey has been a pharmacist with NMMC’s Outpatient Infusion Services since 2014, having worked there part-time as a technician while in pharmacy school. A Tupelo native, she earned her doctorate in pharmacy from the University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy in 2009.

“As a child, I knew I wanted to work in a field that would allow me to either help sick patients or help sick animals,” Doxey said. “My dad's enthusiasm for his job and dedication to his career greatly influenced my decision to become a pharmacist.”

In fact, Doxey’s roots at NMMC run deep. Her father, Ronnie Crosswhite, retired after 39 years of service and continues to work at NMMC part-time. Her brother, Dr. Brad Crosswhite, is a physician at IMA-Tupelo, and her brother, Dr. Tyler Crosswhite, is a physician at Saltillo Medical Clinic. She and her daughter, Harper, live in Tupelo.

NMMC’s Star of the Month is selected by a team of employees.