NMMC Honors Thornton as Star of the Month

North Mississippi Medical Center recently recognized Donnie Thornton, a clerk at the hospital’s lobby information desk, as Star of the Month.
Thornton receives award
Thornton receives award

NMMC Honors Thornton as Star of the Month

North Mississippi Medical Center recently recognized Donnie Thornton, a clerk at the hospital’s lobby information desk, as Star of the Month.
Mar 22 2023
Donnie Thornton

TUPELO, Mississippi—North Mississippi Medical Center recently recognized Donnie Thornton, a clerk at the hospital’s lobby information desk, as Star of the Month.

Thornton was nominated by a coworker for cleaning the lobby restrooms when Environmental Services was unable to send someone quickly. After a visitor made Thornton aware that the garbage can in the ladies restroom was overfull, she cleaned not only the ladies restroom, but the men’s as well. “This is not in Donnie’s job description,” her nomination states. “Donnie always goes above and beyond to make sure the lobby and all its areas are safe and clean. Donnie is such a wonderful asset to NMMC, but especially our area!”

Thornton explained that she understands that Environmental Services staff cannot always come quickly to clean up accidents. “I consider the lobby like home and want to keep it clean for everyone,” she says. “I feel that the lobby is often visitors’ first impression of our hospital, and it’s important to me that they see the very best we have to offer.”

Thornton joined the NMMC staff in 1991. After working in the Food Court for two years, she was assigned to Food and Nutrition Services’ special functions team for six years. She transferred to the Recovery Room for one year, then landed in Short Stay Surgery, where she spent the next 20 years as unit coordinator, X-ray coordinator, chart room clerk and registration desk greeter. She has worked at the lobby information desk since 2022.

Thornton enjoys interacting with people who come through the hospital lobby. “The best part of my job is helping patients and families get to where they need to go and seeing the relief and appreciation on their face,” she says. “This makes my heart smile, knowing that I am part of the patient and visitor experience.”

A graduate of Amory High School, Thornton lives in Nettleton and attends Jones Chapel Baptist Church. She and her husband, Mark, have been married for 37 years. They have two sons, Pierce and Darron (Rachel), and six grandchildren—Linley, Emma, Kinsey, Knox, Collin and Carson.

NMMC’s Star of the Month is selected by a team of employees. To learn more about a career with NMMC, visit www.nmhs.net/careers or email recruit@nmhs.net.