NMMC Breast Care Center Expands Screening Options
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- NMMC Breast Care Center Expands Screening Options
NMMC Breast Care Center Expands Screening Options

The NMMC Breast Care Center has a new technology available to improve the effectiveness of breast cancer screening for women with dense breasts.
Automated Breast Ultrasound (ABUS) is a supplemental screening designed to be used in conjunction with mammography. More than 40% of U.S. women have dense breast tissue, which increases their risk for developing breast cancer.
“Combined with screening mammography, ABUS improves the overall sensitivity and increases the overall breast cancer detection rate for women with dense breasts,” said breast imaging radiologist Mary Moss, MD.
Breast tissue consists of two types of tissue: fatty and fibroglandular. If more than 50% of breast tissue is fibroglandular, then it is classified as dense. Breast density can’t be assessed by touch or visual exam.
On an X-ray mammogram, fatty breast tissue appears gray, while both dense breast tissue and cancers show up as white. That means a cancer can easily hide in a background of dense breast tissue since they both appear white. ABUS enables radiologist to better investigate these areas.
ABUS uses a scanner that covers the entire breast, allowing for an ultrasound exam that takes about 15 minutes for one breast and 30 minutes for both breasts.
Women diagnosed with dense breasts should still have annual screening mammograms and consider supplemental screening with ABUS. For those who meet the criteria, ABUS is covered by most insurance, but is subject to copays and deductibles.
The ABUS exam does require an order from a provider, and the NMMC Breast Care center is working with primary care providers to integrate ABUS.
For more information about ABUS, visit breast care or call (662) 377-2481.