NMMC Honors Volunteer Chaplains

North Mississippi Medical Center has recognized three chaplains for their commitment to serving patients.

NMMC Honors Volunteer Chaplains

North Mississippi Medical Center has recognized three chaplains for their commitment to serving patients.
May 23 2022

TUPELO, Mississippi – North Mississippi Medical Center has recognized three chaplains for their commitment to serving patients.

Talbert receives award
Mike Talbert, right, receives the Chaplain of the Year award from Angie Everett, left, NMMC vice president for Post Acute and Rehabilitation Services, and Don Simmons, center, NMMC Pastoral Care director.

Mike Talbert of Tupelo received the 2021 Chaplain of the Year Award, which is presented annually to a volunteer chaplain whose compassion for patients and commitment to pastoral care are extraordinary. Talbert has been a volunteer chaplain at NMMC since 2009 and is well known for his unique approach to pastoral care, which includes presenting drawings of angels to patients. He completed his Master of Pastoral Studies at Loyola University-New Orleans and completed his clinical training as a chaplain at NMMC. He attends St. James Catholic Church in Tupelo.

Ellis receives award
Judy Ellis, holding plaque, receives Lay Chaplain Excellence in Pastoral Care Award from (left to right) Don Simmons, NMMC Pastoral Care director; Angie Everette, NMMC vice president of Post Acute and Rehabilitation Services, and Angela Coggins, North Mississippi Health Services director for Case Management, Social Work, Palliative & Pastoral Care.

Judy Ellis of Saltillo received the 2021 Lay Chaplain Excellence in Pastoral Care Award. A member of Saltillo First United Methodist Church, Ellis has been a committed volunteer, serving as a lay chaplain at NMMC, delivering for Meals on Wheels and lending a hand with other church ministries. Before retiring, she served as a registered nurse and case manager at NMMC for 27 years and earned recognition as NMMC Employee of the Year.

Pulphus receives award
The Rev. Willie Pulphus, holding plaque, is honored as the NMMC Clinical Pastoral Education Chaplain of the Year by (left to right) from Donald Simmons, NMMC Pastoral Care director; Angie Everette, vice president of Post Acute and Rehabilitation Services, and Angela Coggins, NMHS director of Case Management, Social Work, Palliative & Pastoral Care

Ellis is known for the compassion she has for patients, their families, and her poignant and inspirational prayers. “Even in retirement, Judy remains a caregiver,” said Donald Simmons, NMMC Director of Pastoral Care. "Showing compassion and praying for others are just second nature to her."

The Rev. Willie Pulphus of Okolona was named the 2021 Clinical Pastoral Education Chaplain of the Year. The award recognizes a volunteer chaplain in his or her first year of providing pastoral care while pursuing clinical pastoral education. Pulphus serves as associate pastor under the guidance of the Rev. Robert Parks, senior pastor for New Hope Missionary Baptist Church in Okolona. Pulphus is currently pursuing his Master of Divinity degree at Liberty University in Virginia, where he also completed his bachelor’s degree in Christian counseling. He plans to continue clinical training and seek board certification while serving as a volunteer chaplain at NMMC.

NMMC Pastoral Care welcomes volunteer chaplains from all faith traditions. To learn more, call the Pastoral Care office at (662) 377-3439.