Cooley Retires After 30 Years from NMMC Pharmacy

Jeff Cooley retires after more than 30 years of service with North Mississippi Medical Center.
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Cooley retirement coworkers

Cooley Retires After 30 Years from NMMC Pharmacy

Jeff Cooley retires after more than 30 years of service with North Mississippi Medical Center.
Jan 10 2023
Jeff Cooley

Congratulations to pharmacy technician Jeff Cooley on his retirement after more than 30 years of service with North Mississippi Medical Center. 

Jeff joined the NMMC staff in December 1992 as a nursing assistant and ward secretary at the Behavioral Health Center. In 1998, he transferred to Baldwyn Nursing Facility, where he worked for two years before transferring to Pharmacy in 2000.

A graduate of Tupelo High School, Jeff attended Memphis Academy of Arts and Itawamba Community College. He is a Certified Pharmacy Technician and is certified in chemotherapy.

Jeff says the best part of his job has been making chemotherapy and other medications for patients who need them.

“I will miss my friends and family here at NMMC, as well as my job that presents new challenges on a daily basis,” Jeff says, “But it is time to start my new journey and enjoy new things!”

Now that he has retired, Jeff looks forward to more time for gardening, traveling, taking nature photos and playing with his dog, Oscar. He also likes spending time with his sister, Phyllis, and nieces, Shelby and Hannah.