NMMC Child Care Center Celebrates 30th Anniversary

This month, North Mississippi Medical Center’s Child Care Center is celebrating 30 years of caring for hospital employees’ children.

NMMC Child Care Center Celebrates 30th Anniversary

This month, North Mississippi Medical Center’s Child Care Center is celebrating 30 years of caring for hospital employees’ children.
Nov 02 2022
Child Care Center group

This month, North Mississippi Medical Center’s Child Care Center is celebrating 30 years of caring for hospital employees’ children.

Four of the center’s original employees still work there, as well as two others who joined a few months after the center opened in November 1992. Today, NMMC’s Child Care Center serves 175 children age 6 weeks to 12 years old.

“For me, it’s definitely God’s calling. I guess that’s what has kept me here for so long,” says Cheryl Wheeler, who started as a teacher at the center and was named director in 2010.

“We all feel like family, especially those of us who have been here for so long,” says Amy Bennett.

“And not only do we feel like family,” Cheryl adds, “but we become part of our children’s families’ lives as well. We mentor and encourage our parents, especially the first-time parents.”

"We’re building a legacy,” Ann Hodges says. “It’s rewarding when parents tell you how you’ve impacted their family.”

And the children are definitely the reason they’ve all stayed. “I can be feeling down and then the children come in and give me hugs,” says Twana Miller. “When I’m not at work, I miss that.”

The staff doesn’t take this privilege or responsibility of caring for these lightly. They take pride in watching the children excel and become top-performing students and adults. “It’s a special opportunity that we have to work with these children,” says Cassandra Jones. “We see them outside of work—or even after they’re older—and we see the things they’re doing. To know that we were able to impact that, it really warms your heart.”

Three decades later, many students are second generation. “Now we’re taking care of the children of our original students,” Cheryl says. “To me, this says that we’ve maintained the high quality of the facility – that they would want to come back here with their children. It also says that we’re helping the hospital grow our own employees for the future.”

Ellen Friloux (right), vice president of Women and Children’s Services, is pictured with (from left) Cassandra Jones, Tina Dulaney, Cheryl Wheeler, Ann Hodges, Amy Bennett, and Twana Miller.