NMMC, Lions Club Sponsor Eyewear Drive

North Mississippi Medical Center and the Lions Club of Tupelo are teaming up to collect eyewear for the needy in February, National Low Vision Awareness Month.

NMMC, Lions Club Sponsor Eyewear Drive

North Mississippi Medical Center and the Lions Club of Tupelo are teaming up to collect eyewear for the needy in February, National Low Vision Awareness Month.
Jan 28 2022

TUPELO, Mississippi—North Mississippi Medical Center and the Lions Club of Tupelo are teaming up to collect eyewear for the needy in February, National Low Vision Awareness Month.

The groups are seeking donations of used eyeglasses, sunglasses and reading glasses, as well as cases. They can also use magnification devices or any low vision equipment such as closed-circuit televisions or any type of magnifier to donate to those in need.

Collection boxes are available at the North Mississippi Retina Center, 606 Brunson Dr.; and the NMMC Wellness Center, 1030 S. Madison St.
The Lions Club will distribute the eyewear in the United States and third world countries worldwide. For more information or to arrange pick up of large items being donated, contact Harbour at (662) 377-3340 or cnipp@nmhs.net. NMMC’s collection drive ends April 1.