Hughes Seeing 20-20 after Cataract Surgery

Clara Hughes of Fulton is thrilled to no longer have to search for her reading glasses.

Hughes Seeing 20-20 after Cataract Surgery

Clara Hughes of Fulton is thrilled to no longer have to search for her reading glasses.
Nov 18 2022
Claire Hughes and Dr. Pickering

Clara Hughes of Fulton is thrilled to no longer have to search for her reading glasses. “Things were beginning to get a little blurry,” Clara says. “It got to where it was really hard to read the print.” Turns out, cataracts were the culprit.

Dr. Ashley Pickering performed surgery at North Mississippi Surgery Center on one eye Oct. 4 and on the other Oct. 31. “That’s the easiest surgery I’ve ever had,” Clara quips. “I was treated like a queen from the time I walked through the door.”

Not only was it a great experience, but Clara’s vision immediately improved. “I could tell a difference right away, as soon as I walked out of the Surgery Center,” she says, and she hasn’t needed her glasses since. “It was just such a relief that I could see well. I can see 20/20 and even better up close.”

For more information about cataract surgery at North Mississippi Surgery Center, call 1-800-THE DESK (1-800-843-3375). Visit to learn more about NMMC’s vision services. #ConnectNMMC #WhatConnectedFeelsLike