NMMC Presents BEE Award to Knox

North Mississippi Medical Center recently presented a BEE (Beyond Exceptional Expectations) Award to Marlena Knox of the Food Court.
Knox bee award presentation
Knox bee award presentation

NMMC Presents BEE Award to Knox

North Mississippi Medical Center recently presented a BEE (Beyond Exceptional Expectations) Award to Marlena Knox of the Food Court.
Jan 02 2024
Marlena Knox

TUPELO, Mississippi— North Mississippi Medical Center recently presented a BEE (Beyond Exceptional Expectations) Award to Marlena Knox of the Food Court.

A patient’s daughter nominated Knox for showing her compassion at a difficult time. “After a long, tireless, sleepless two days, I was exhausted, numb and very sad about feeling helpless in regard to my father’s health crisis,” she wrote. “I carried this weight to the Food Court.” 

The family member said Knox showed her that “a complete stranger’s” feelings mattered. “While she was serving me food, she was present with my demeanor,” the patient’s daughter wrote. “She did not just serve me food, but she served my soul the other nutrition I desperately needed—care and compassion in an exhausted, dark moment.”

A graduate of Houlka High School, Knox joined the NMMC team in July 2022.

The BEE Award is given to a deserving caregiver each month at NMMC. Winners receive a certificate and pin, as well as flowers donated by Bishop’s Flower Shop. Nomination forms are available throughout NMMC or at www.nmhs.net/bee-award. For more information, call (662) 377-3431 or email BEEAwards@nmhs.net.