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News & Media Resources

Media Policies & Resources

NMHS recognizes the media's role in keeping the community informed. Our staff provides accurate and appropriate information and access while protecting patient confidentiality.

Condition Reports

As required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, we guard the privacy of our patients. Confidential patient information may not be divulged to the media without the patient’s written consent. Also, no photos or video of patients may be taken without a Marketing Department staff member first securing written permission from the patient.

Contact a member of the Marketing Department at for a patient condition report. 

Definitions of Patient Conditions
  • Undetermined: Patient is awaiting physician assessment

  • Good: Vitals are stable. Patient is conscious and comfortable.

  • Fair: Vitals are stable. Patient is conscious but may have minor complications.

  • Serious: Vitals may be unstable. Patient is acutely ill.

  • Critical: Vitals are unstable. Patient may be unconscious.

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