blue cross pattern on a light blue gradient

Rehabilitation Institute Referrals

Man in blue scrubs talking on phone at a computer kiosk

Referral Guidelines

Patients may be referred to the Rehabilitation Institute at NMMC-Tupelo by physicians, nurse practitioners, rehabilitation agencies, insurance companies, home care agencies or self-referral.

Phone & Fax Numbers for Referrals

Referrals can be called in directly to the rehabilitation case manager. Physicians’ offices can fax medical records for the rehabilitation physician to review. The Rehabilitation Case Manager will notify you of the recommendation and admission time frame.

About the Rehabilitation Institute

The Rehabilitation Institute is housed on the west wing of North Mississippi Medical Center-Tupelo's first floor. The 28-bed inpatient unit is staffed with a team of professionals who help patients reach their individual goals.

Patients are cared for by a board-certified physiatrist (a physician specialized in physical medicine and rehabilitation), as well as case managers, physical therapists, occupational therapists, social workers, rehabilitation nurses, speech-language pathologists, nurse practitioners and a clinical psychologist.

After a Referral is Received

When referral information is received, the rehabilitation case manager will schedule an appointment to evaluate the patient as soon as possible. This evaluation will be reviewed by the Rehabilitation Institute Medical Director and admissions team who approve patients for admission to the Rehabilitation Institute. The rehabilitation case manager will contact the referral source regarding status of patient evaluation and when an inpatient bed will be available.

Admission Criteria

The patient must be:

  • medically stable
  • at least 18 years old
  • diagnosed with a clearly defined rehabilitation problem that requires intensive coordinated rehabilitation services on an inpatient basis
  • able to participate in at least three hours of therapy daily with the potential to attain a rehabilitation goal within a reasonable time frame
  • motivated to participate in therapy

In addition, the family members' motivation is an integral part of the patients' therapy.

Discharge plan must be established for follow-up care prior to admission.

Our medical director and admissions team evaluate each patient prior to admission. This process determines whether patients are ready for the program medically and whether their needs will be best served by this program.