- Continuing Medical Education
- Training Programs
- Family Medicine Residency
- Family Medicine Curriculum and Conferences

Family Medicine Curriculum & Conferences
Family Medicine Residency Program
The NMMC Family Medicine Residency Program is a great place to start your career in medicine.
First Year Curriculum
The first year is a traditional internship year. The resident will spend two half-days per week in the North Mississippi Medical Center Family Medicine Residency Center. Pediatric wards and ER rotations are completed through a joint venture with Le Bonheur Children's Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. Time is provided to our osteopathic internship candidates to focus on osteopathic skills.
Rotation Schedule (each block is four-week duration)
- Surgery
- Neonatal/Float
- Emergency Medicine
- Family Medicine
- Family Medicine
- Geriatrics-Palliative/Float
- Pediatric Wards (LeBonheur)
- Gynecology
- Neurology
- Family Medicine
- Family Medicine
- Pulmonary/Float
- Pediatrics Ambulatory
Second Year Curriculum
In the second and third year rotations, the resident gains increased knowledge and skills working with an experienced consultant. Emphasis is placed on primary care of the patient, and because of the private practice setting, residents learn to use the medical community's resources appropriately. The resident also spends three half-days per week in the Family Medicine Residency Center.
Rotation Schedule (each block is four-week rotation)
- Pediatric Emergency Medicine (LeBonheur)1 block
- Elect/Float
- Orthopedics
- Family Medicine
- Cardiovascular Medicine
- Emergency Medicine
- Pediatric Ambulatory Medicine/Peds Allergy
- Obstetrics
- Family Medicine
- Behavioral Medicine
- Research/Float
- Geriatrics
Third Year Curriculum
A wide variety of electives for second and third year residents are available in the program. Residents are offered six and one-half months in which to choose elective rotations. The Rural Family Medical Clinic rotation gives the resident an opportunity to rotate through one of more than 30 North Mississippi Medical Clinics. The resident also spends four half-days per week in the Family Medicine Residency Center.
Rotation Schedule (each block is four-week rotation)
- Sports Medicine
- Endocrine
- Research/Float
- OB
- Surgery/Elect
- Geriatrics
- Family Medicine
- Elective
- Derm/Family Med Clinic
- Elective/Family Med Clinic
- Elective
- Practice Management/Community Medicine/Ophth/School Health
Longitudinal Experiences
- Family Medicine Clinic, including Nursing Home and home visits
A conference schedule is published monthly informing residents of the time and location of a number of educational opportunities.
The list of conferences offered includes:
- Core Curriculum Conferences - a weekly morning of seminars and lectures on a range of subjects relevant to family medicine presented over a 24-month cycle.
- Family Medicine Journal Club - an opportunity to hone skills in critical appraisal of medical literature and to gain tools needed for lifelong learning.
- Family Medicine Grand Rounds - an opportunity for scholarly pursuit of a topic relevant to family medicine and to learn presentation skills.
- Ethics Conference - residents participate with other hospital staff to look at ethics topics in an informal setting.
- Morbidity and Mortality Conference - case presentation to encourage consideration of differential diagnosis and opportunity to improve management options.
- Research Project - Each resident completes a research project during the second and third years, and the results are shared in a formal presentation. This project is intended to be a creative, individualized effort in an area of special interest to the resident. Technical and scholarly support is provided.
Applications are accepted through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS).