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Preferred Provider Organization
Puzzled by Health Care Costs?
Our managed care division helps employers find just the right fit.
In recent years, medical costs have continued to skyrocket, resulting in drastic health care price increases for business and industry. Employers are faced with the task of providing quality health care benefits at an affordable price. Health Link®, a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), is designed to assist employers in meeting this challenge.
Health Link® offers a network of more than 1,500 physicians conveniently located throughout Mississippi and northwest Alabama. The network is comprised of more than 30 hospitals, including Le Bonheur Children's Medical Center and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
We also have agreements for organ transplant services with the University of Alabama at Birmingham and the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson.
In order for employers to realize a significant cost savings, health benefit plans are modified to create financial incentives for employees to use preferred providers. Participating physicians accept the Health Link® maximum allowable amount as payment in full. Employees are relieved of the obligation to pay any difference between the physician charges and the Health Link® maximum allowable amount. Participating hospitals offer a variety of cost containment plans based upon the specific needs and utilization of the employer. These measures, combined with employee education and utilization management, provide employers significant savings on health care costs.
The following is a brief description of the products and services offered by Health Link®:
- Fully Insured Products for companies with two or more employees
- Individual Major Medical Product
- Group Long Term/Short Term Disability Income
- Group Life
- Group Dental
Your thoughts and opinions are very important to us and we want to hear from you. You may contact us the following ways:
Phone: (662) 377-3868 or 1-800-453-7536
Fax: (662) 377-7599
Physical Address: 808 Varsity Drive, Tupelo, Miss 38801
Email: emily.cagle@nmhs.net