Family Medicine Residency Program
The NMMC Family Medicine Residency Program is a great place to start your career in medicine.
The North Mississippi Medical Center Family Medicine Residency Program prides itself on teaching and involving medical students in patient care. We are a strong “hands on” program with a congenial and collegial relationship between the faculty and residents, as well as with other personnel in the Family Medicine Center. Students are often surprised by the variety and diversity of the patients seen. Some students even return as residents to our program. We welcome 3rd and 4th year medical students attending either U.S. or Canadian allopathic or osteopathic medical schools.
The goal of our rotations is to provide in-depth educational experiences that will allow each medical student to appreciate and advance their skills in the basic principles of family medicine.
Family Medicine brings a unique perspective to the educational process, nurturing students’ education as they engage in patient care. At NMMC FMRC, faculty and senior residents embrace this perspective as they demonstrate the art and science of practicing family medicine.
Selection Criteria
North Mississippi Medical Center serves as a Hub Site for William Carey University College of Osteopathic Medicine (WCUCOM). As a hub site, NMMC-FMRC hosts the third year of rotations for four students of WCUCOM. WCUCOM students must complete an application and attach required documentation for selection consideration. Selections are made according to interest in family medicine, interest in practicing in Mississippi and scoring of completed application.
In addition to the four WCUCOM students, NMMC's Family Medicine Residency Center accepts approximately two additional students per month based upon Residency Center resources to manage additional medical students. The following is used to determine selection criteria:
- School must have an affiliation agreement with NMMC to provide student rotations
- School must provide shot records, proof of malpractice, and proof of background check
- Certain criteria for preference on selection include local students, Mississippi schools, and interest in Family Medicine.
For more information, please email Anita White, Residency Coordinator, or Heather Redwood, Administrator of Operations, or call (662) 377-2287.
Applications are accepted through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS)