- Continuing Medical Education
- Training Programs
- Medical Laboratory Science
- Medical Lab Student Handbook

- Continuing Medical Education
- Training Programs
- Medical Laboratory Science
- Medical Lab Student Handbook
Medical Lab Student Handbook
Sharing Knowledge & Insights
This section is for medical professionals interested in our training programs, referring a patient, accessing research and reports, or learning more about CME.
Student Handbook
$4,000 tuition is charged for the 12-month Medical Laboratory Science program. Tuition is paid as $2,000 at the beginning of the first block of the program in August and $2,000 at the beginning of the second block of the program in February.
Required books and manuals are to be purchased by the student. The cost of books varies each year, but the yearly average is approximately $700-$800.
To enroll in the program, students must send a nonrefundable deposit of $100 along with the letter of acceptance to the Medical Laboratory Science Program Director. Tuition is not refundable after receipt.
Each student will be expected to purchase several textbooks to supplement didactic and practical experience. These books will be recommended by the program director. An initial set of required books will be provided at cost. (See Tuition and Fees section.)
The staff strongly recommends that each student develop a small collection of books on laboratory subjects. After the initial acquisition of required books, the purchase of one good current textbook per year will help students and technologists keep abreast of recent developments.
Each student should obtain an adequate supply of uniforms and a lab coat. Consult with the program director concerning the current dress codes. A copy of the NMMC dress code will be issued to each student on or before the first day of class.
Students are scheduled for five days (minimum of 40 hours), Monday-Friday, each week. All students share in each of the six national holidays (New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas). Other holidays may be scheduled by the program director and will be published in the Student Information Manual.
Living accommodations are the responsibility of the student. Consult the local newspaper, phone book and/or realtors for specific information regarding available living arrangements.
While in the program students will have access to the following services:
- Reduced-price meals in the Food Court
- Free employee health nurse consultations and referrals
- Emergency health services at current NMMC prices
- Free student counseling (Employee Assistance Program)
- Job placement aid
- Security services and safety education
- NMMC in-depth orientation
North Mississippi Medical Center’s Medical Laboratory Science Program does not discriminate in student admissions, faculty or program official selection on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, age (40 and over), disability, religion or national origin.
Each student is responsible for health insurance coverage.
Professional liability coverage must be purchased by each student before entering the clinical rotation portion of the program. The student will furnish proof of coverage with student liability insurance with professional and personal amount of at least $1,000,000 and will maintain such coverage while participating in the MLS Program.
Students enrolled in the program will not be considered employees of NMMC for any purpose whatsoever. There is no contract of hire or apprenticeship expressed or implied between the student and NMMC, and no employer-employee relationship. The student will receive no payment or compensation. The student's activities and studies at NMMC while enrolled in the program are for the purpose of providing clinical education and experience to the student and are not performed in furtherance of the business of NMMC. The student will not be an employee of NMMC as defined in Mississippi's Workers' Compensation law and will not be entitled to any benefits under said law.
Students are not permitted to perform any service work in the clinical setting outside of academic hours. All work activities, services, or duties of the student are for the purpose of obtaining clinical education and experience and are not performed in the furtherance of the business of NMMC.
Occasionally, a student chooses to be hired by NMMC for jobs that do not require a certified MLS and the employment is outside the scheduled class hours (e.g. weekends or evenings). In such cases, the students are employees of NMMC and the work is not considered to satisfy any part of the student’s clinical rotation requirements.
Students who wish to withdraw from the Medical Laboratory Science Program must do so through the office of the Program Director. Leaving without filing a formal withdrawal notice will result in a grade of F in all courses of the Medical Laboratory Science Program for students enrolled in the "3+1" program at one of the affiliated universities or college.
Due to the time allotment for each course, the time lapse between the presentation of courses, and the difficulty of scheduling instructors, it is not possible to repeat a course. If a student fails to pass any completed portion of a course, he/she will be dropped from the program and will not be allowed to attempt the succeeding course.
If, for any reason, a student is unable to attend class and cannot pass both cognitive and psychomotor tests in order to demonstrate proficiency in material covered during time missed, he/she will be dropped from the program. As there are no allowances made for time missed, all "make-up" time will be at the instructor’s discretion and convenience. Students should consult with the instructor.
Students will be dismissed for the following reasons:
- Failure to comply with policies and procedures of NMMC and its MLS Program
- Failure to pass any course
- Failure to demonstrate proficiency in course material
NMMC Medical Laboratory Science Program has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the illicit use of drugs and abuse of alcohol by students and employees. This program consists of information provided in the form of handouts, videos, etc., for the purpose of providing the following:
- Standards of conduct that clearly prohibit, at a minimum, the unlawful possession, use or distribution of drugs and alcohol by students and employees on this institution’s property or as any part of this institution’s activities;
- A description of the applicable legal sanctions under local, state and federal law for unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol;
- A description of the health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol;
- A description of any drug and alcohol counseling, treatment or rehabilitation programs that are available to students and employees; and
- A clear statement that this institution will impose sanctions on students and employees (consistent with local, state and federal law) and a description of these sanctions, up to an including expulsion or termination of employment and referral for prosecution for violations of the standards of conduct.
The Security Department of North Mississippi Medical Center is committed both in principal and practice to the overall philosophy of NMMC. In addition, the department subscribes to the following tenets:
- Quality healthcare services can only be provided within the context of a safe, secure and orderly environment.
- Patients, employees and visitors within the healthcare environment are entitled certain basic rights, among them are freedom from harm, reasonable fear of harm and property loss.
- The value of human life is to be held paramount over all other concerns.
- Human dignity must be preserved at all times regardless of one’s race, creed, religion, sex, nationality or socioeconomic status.
The mission of the NMMC Security Department is to provide protection and service to NMMC, its patients, visitors, employees and medical staff. This shall be accomplished through the systematic and cost effective integration of technology, personnel and prevention/control programs.
While carrying out this mission, the department’s primary areas of responsibility shall include: security, safety, fire protection, disaster preparedness, compliance of hospital policies and general assistance to those in need.
In the relationship of student to faculty, dissatisfaction might develop. It is often the result of a misunderstanding or of insufficient information; in either case, the problem must be expressed before it can be settled.
Should questions concerning the interpretation or application of the policy of the Medical Laboratory Science Program arise, a student may use the following procedure to resolve the question.
The presentation of a grievance must be made within 10 days of its occurrence.
- Step I - Immediate Faculty Instructor. In order to minimize the possibility of a misunderstanding, a student is urged to first discuss the problem with the immediate instructor within 10 calendar days following its occurrence.
- Step II - Program Director. The problem may be referred to the Program Director if a satisfactory response has not been received from the instructor within ten calendar days from presentation of the problem to the faculty instructor.
- Step III- Committee. If a satisfactory solution is not obtained from the Program Director within ten days, an appeal can be made to a committee composed of the Pathology Department, Administrative Director, the Program Director, the Medical Director, and the Director of the Human Resources Department.
- Step IV - Final Decision. If a satisfactory solution is not obtained from this committee within 10 days an appointment with the Administrative Director may be requested. The Administrative Director in consultation with the Human Resources Director and Medical Director will review all aspects of the problem with all parties involved. This decision will be regarded as final and binding.
The mission of this program is to prepare students to enter the profession of Medical Laboratory Science with the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for clinical competence and to help students develop the independent learning skills needed to grow in the profession throughout their career. The program, which is accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS) will offer the senior year for a baccalaureate degree in Medical Laboratory Science with an affiliated university or college or the certificate program for degree bearing students. The curriculum will emphasize skills in entry level competencies to prepare students to fill Medical Laboratory Science roles in the profession at NMMC, in the area community and nationwide. If there arises a policy and/or procedure when applied experience cannot be guaranteed, the student will receive appropriate instruction in order for them to understand the policy and/or procedure.
For more information about the Medical Laboratory Science Program at NMMC, contact:
Cynthia Holman, MS, MLS(ASCP)
NMMC Medical Laboratory Science Program
Program Director
830 South Gloster Street
Tupelo, MS 38801
Phone: (662) 377-3080