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Credentialing and Privileges

Puzzled by Health Care Costs?

Our managed care division helps employers find just the right fit. 

Thank you for your interest in gaining medical staff credentials to practice at North Mississippi Medical Center hospitals and medical facilities.

For your convenience, the NMHS Centralized Verification Organization (CVO) enables you to apply for privileges at any or all North Mississippi Medical Center facilities with a single electronic application. Additional services provided by the NMHS CVO includes third party payer application process support, delegated credentialing support with payers and ongoing maintenance and storage of system provider credentialing information in a central repository.

To receive a link to the electronic application: Contact the NMHS CVO at 800-453-7536. You will receive the link to the Provider Portal via a return email from the NMHS CVO.

The link will also provide you access to the documents required for credentialing and privileging with North Mississippi Medical Center. When you apply for privileges at more than one North Mississippi Medical Center facility, many of the items required in the primary source verification process will not be duplicated.

If you have questions about the credentialing process, please call the NMHS CVO office at 800-453-7536 or by email rharvey@healthlinkppo.com.

The Initial Application and Verification Process

Following is the three-step process for applying for privileges to practice with North Mississippi Medical Center:

Step 1: Application and Data Collection

Step 2: Primary Source Verification

Step 3: Approval and Enrollment

Please take time to thoroughly review the electronic application and supporting documentation that you will receive with it. With the application link you will receive NMMC Medical Staff Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, and other related documents.

You can help ensure timely processing by fully completing your application and the supporting documentation. If your application is found to be incomplete, you will be notified and asked to provide the missing information.

Completion of the application, however, does not guarantee acceptance for membership or clinical privileges by any of the NMMC facilities.

We look forward to receiving your application.


NMMC re-credentials practitioners every two years. Processing for reappointment begins about six months before your current privileges expire.

The CVO will perform necessary primary source verifications. The application information and the verification information are made available to the facilities and organizations where the physician or health care practitioner has membership and privileges.

Access HealthStream Here for Required Training (REVISIT)

NMMC also provides physicians and advanced health care practitioners convenient access to HealthStream, an online portal to required training, such as compliance training and Epic training.

Health Link Contact Information

Your thoughts and opinions are very important to us and we want to hear from you. You may contact us the following ways:

Phone: (662) 377-3868 or 1-800-453-7536

Fax: (662) 377-7599

Physical Address: 808 Varsity Drive, Tupelo, Miss 38801

Email: emily.cagle@nmhs.net