radiation therapy

Radiation Treatment

Radiation treatment uses precisely targeted high energy beams to treat your cancer with plan designed by our expert radiation oncology team.

Doctor talking to patient while showing imaging results

Targeted Cancer Treatment, Focused on You

NMMC Radiation Oncology offers radiation treatment to treat tumors in Tupelo and Starkville.

Varian TrueBeam® Linear Accelerators

NMMC Radiation Oncology uses Varian TrueBeam® linear accelerators to provide treatment. Linear accelerators customize high energy x-rays or electrons to conform to a tumor’s shape while sparing normal tissue.

  • NMMC Cancer Care has two linear accelerators in Tupelo and one in Starkville.

  • Patients spend less time lying still, immobilized on a hard surface.

  • Image-guided radiotherapy incorporates imaging and treatment into one machine.

Precisely Targeted Treatment

The NMMC Radiation Oncology team uses Intensity Modulated Radiation Treatment (IMRT) and Volumetric Modulated Arch Therapy (VMAT) to precisely place beams of radiation to target the tumor and deliver more concentrated radiation to the cancer cells.

  • The enhanced doses increase the likelihood that a tumor will be completely eradicated.

  • Precise targeting reduces the radiation exposure to healthy tissue nearby.

  • Planned using CT or MRI images to map 3-D shape of the tumor

  • IMRT uses multiple beams from different angles to focus radiation on the tumor.

RapidArc® Radiotherapy Technology

NMMC Radiation Oncology in Tupelo and Starkville uses RapidArc® radiotherapy technology from Varian Medical Systems to deliver more precise forms of IMRT.

  • First in Mississippi to offer this form of radiotherapy.

  • Can deliver treatment up to eight times faster.

  • Simple treatments can take less than two minutes after patient is in position.


NMMC Radiation Oncology offers radiosurgery and stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT). These non-surgical procedures deliver precisely targeted radiation in fewer high dose treatments.

  • A much higher dose of radiation can be given to a much smaller area.

  • Healthy tissue is spared radiation exposure by shaping the radiation beams to the tumor.

  • Stereotactic radiation can be used to treat widely ranging sites on the body.

What to Expect During Radiation Treatment

Radiation treatments are typically scheduled five days a week for several weeks to maximize the effectiveness of the treatment. The treatments usually take a few minutes; most treatment visits are about 30 minutes from check-in to departure.

Related Locations

Mississippi’s only cancer center with all 4 accreditations

Commission on Cancer Accredited Program: A Quality Program of the American College of Surgeons
Commission On Cancer Accredited Program

Commission on Cancer conducts evaluation every three years; NMMC accredited since 1981.

Medal recognizing Designated Comprehensive Breast Imaging Center from the American College of Radiology
ACR Designated Comprehensive Breast Imaging Center

NMMC Breast Care Center designated comprehensive center by American College of Radiology

Medal recognizing American College of Radiology Accredited Facility for Radiation Oncology
ACR Designated Comprehensive Breast Imaging Center

NMMC Breast Care Center designated comprehensive center by American College of Radiology

Logo recognizing National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers, a quality program of the American College of Surgeons
ACS accredits NMMC’s breast care program

Meets national standards for comprehensive, patient-centered, multidisciplinary care.

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Brenda Willis

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Related Resources

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Clinical Research

Cancer Care physicians actively contribute to research to improve care for current and future patients. Trials are available for all stages of cancer and include treatments, testing for biomarkers and lab devices.


Clinical Research

Cancer Care physicians actively contribute to research to improve care for current and future patients. Trials are available for all stages of cancer and include treatments, testing for biomarkers and lab devices.