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Neurological Rehabilitation

Our program improves function for individuals after a stroke, brain injury, spinal cord injury or other debilitating neurological disorder.

neurological rehabilitation

Regain Your Independence

NMMC-Tupelo offers the only specialized outpatient adult neurological rehabilitation program in north Mississippi. We treat patients with a variety of diagnoses including but not limited to:

  • Stroke
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis & Guillain-Barre syndrome
  • Traumatic brain injury & spinal cord injury

Our goal is to help you achieve your maximal level of independence with daily activities either by restoring function or teaching compensatory strategies and use of adaptive equipment.


Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy helps patients achieve maximum independence with daily living activities such as self-care, household tasks, work and leisure activities. Occupational therapists may address coordination, range of motion, splinting and positioning, visual perception and cognitive skills. We often incorporate task adaptation or recommend specialized equipment to achieve your goals.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy promotes independence and safety with mobility including getting up from a chair, walking, using a wheelchair and bed mobility. In addition, physical therapists address balance, coordination, strength and range of motion. We may also recommend assistive devices to help with mobility as appropriate.

Speech-Language Therapy

Speech-language therapy helps improve quality of life for people with speech and swallowing related deficits. Speech-language therapists also provide support and instruction for family members who assist with care.

Speech-language therapy focuses on expressive, receptive and cognitive communication, as well as remediation for weak and aging voice. We specialize in treating swallowing deficits using specialized techniques such as VitalStim and McNeil Dysphagia Therapy Program.

Specialized Therapy

Our therapists use a variety of treatment techniques, including:

  • Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) Big and Loud for Parkinson’s Disease
  • SPEAK OUT! for Parkinson’s Disease
  • Vestibular Rehabilitation
  • Aquatic Therapy
  • Respiratory Muscle Strength Training (RMST)
  • Functional Electrical Stimulation Bicycle
  • Wheelchair Seating Clinic
  • Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation
  • Bioness Integrated Therapy System
  • VitalStim


You will need a referral from your health care provider for neurological rehabilitation.

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Outpatient Rehabilitation

Our therapists develop a treatment plan to help you achieve your specific goals. Therapists use their experience and expertise along with the latest equipment to help you optimize recovery with therapy appointments that fit your schedule.


Outpatient Rehabilitation

Our therapists develop a treatment plan to help you achieve your specific goals. Therapists use their experience and expertise along with the latest equipment to help you optimize recovery with therapy appointments that fit your schedule.