Middle aged woman playing golf

Back & Neck Pain

Chronic back and neck pain can keep you from doing the things you love. If your spine is acting out of line, we can help.

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NMMC Neuroscience Institute

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Neuroscience Institute

The Neuroscience Institute offers prompt treatment of complex conditions with a focus on quality of life. Our specialists work side-by-side to ensure accurate diagnosis and optimal treatment.

Back Pain

It's a part of your body you can't see, but when something is wrong with your back... you sure can feel it. Symptoms include:

  • Dull, burning, or sharp pain in your back

  • Leg numbness or tingling above or below your knee

  • Stiffness or aches along your spine (anywhere from your neck to your tailbone)

  • A severe pain that radiates from the back into the hip and outer side of the leg

  • Ache in the middle or lower back, especially after sitting/standing a long time

Neck Pain

Sometimes life gives you a pain in the neck. Symptoms include:

  • Arm numbness or tingling

  • Weakness in your arm or hand

  • Headaches

  • Shoulder pain

  • Sharp shooting pains or a dull ache in your neck

Treatment Options

If your pain lasts four weeks or longer, or if it keeps getting worse, let us help.

We offer locations in Tupelo, Corinth and Starkville, and you won't need a referral.

In addition, North Mississippi Regional Pain Consultants offers a New Patient Walk-in Clinic for most conditions between 7 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Thursday in Suite 101 of Longtown Medical Park, 4381 S. Eason Blvd., Tupelo. 

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Request an Appointment

Request an appointment online or call (662) 377-PAIN (7246).