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- Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
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- Orthopedic Rehabilitation

Orthopedic Rehabilitation
Orthopedic rehabilitation helps you restore function and mobility after surgery or injury to bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles and nerves.

Get a Move On
Orthopedic Rehabilitation can help with:
- Back and neck pain
- Before and after surgery
- Crutch training
- Deconditioning
- Fractures
- Gait abnormalities
- General pain
- Myofascial pain
- Progressive loading/weight bearing of lower extremity joint
- Sports-related injuries
- Sprains and strains
- Surgical and nonsurgical joint pain
- Work-related injuries
- Wound care
You will need referral from your health care provider for orthopedic rehabilitation. Our team has several goals:
Managing pain through various therapeutic interventions
Helping you regain movement, strength, flexibility and range of motion
Improving mobility through exercises and techniques suited to your specific needs
Preventing re-injury through education on proper body mechanics and reducing risk
Helping you return to daily activities and improving your quality of life
Physical therapists and physical therapy assistants are highly trained in the use of special techniques such as:
Manual Therapy
McKenzie Technique
Myofascial Release
Aquatic Therapy
Mulligan Technique
Dry Needling
Movement and Gait Analysis
Graston Technique
Mechanical Traction
Kinesio Taping
Alter G (Anti-Gravity) Treadmill
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Musculoskeletal pain is the No. 1 reason why people visit their doctors each year. Our orthopedic surgeons can help.

Outpatient Rehabilitation
Our therapists develop a treatment plan to help you achieve your specific goals. Therapists use their experience and expertise along with the latest equipment to help you optimize recovery with therapy appointments that fit your schedule.

Outpatient Rehabilitation
Our therapists develop a treatment plan to help you achieve your specific goals. Therapists use their experience and expertise along with the latest equipment to help you optimize recovery with therapy appointments that fit your schedule.