- Medical Services
- Orthopedics & Sports Medicine
- Specialties & Services
- Sports Medicine
Sports Medicine Program
NMMC’s Certified Athletic Trainers provide medical coverage for local high schools, Itawamba Community College and community sporting events.

Back in the Game
Our Certified Athletic Trainers work closely with athletes, parents and coaches to help ensure safety and are trained to make swift, appropriate decisions to minimize the effects of injury.
Our Schools
The NMMC Sports Medicine Program cares for student-athletes at several area schools:
- Booneville High School
- Itawamba Agricultural High School
- Itawamba Community College
- Mantachie High School
- Mooreville High School
- Nettleton High School
- North Pontotoc High School
- Pontotoc High School
- Saltillo High School
- Shannon High School
- South Pontotoc High School
- Tupelo Christian Preparatory School
- Tupelo High School
Our Certified Athletic Trainers work closely with physicians, physical therapists, occupational therapists and others to ensure a safe and timely return to activity.
Saturday Morning Injury Clinic
The NMMC Sports Medicine Program offers a free Saturday Morning Injury Clinic on Saturdays during football season for area varsity athletes who sustain sports-related injuries in the previous night’s game.
Additional Services
Providing full-time medical coverage for local athletic programs is our primary responsibility; however, our Certified Athletic Trainers also:
- Provide CPR certification training for area coaches and students
- Provide annual free pre-participation physicals for area high schools
- Host educational clinics on injury prevention
- Offer lectures to various organizations and health classes
- Provide free pre-participation physical exams and event coverage for Area II Special Olympics
- Work with Tupelo Parks and Recreation and the Tupelo Convention and Visitors Bureau to attract various state, regional and national sporting events
Related Locations
Related Resources
View AllMusculoskeletal pain is the No. 1 reason why people visit their doctors each year. Our orthopedic surgeons can help.