Foot Care
Physical therapists with North Mississippi Medical Center's Foot Center evaluate and treat foot pain, gait abnormalities and other issues affecting the kinetic chain. Our team is specially trained in both acute and chronic foot problems.
Our focus is on all age groups to keep our community active and healthy.
A typical evaluation includes:
- Identification of biomechanical deficits in association with neurological, orthopedic or sports-related injuries
- Range of motion and strength
- Subtalar neutral
- First ray position and flexibility
- Forefoot and rear foot positions
- Leg length discrepancy
- Posture and gait analysis
- Footwear
- Comprehensive foot assessment.
- Further diagnostic testing and treatment as recommended by the referring physician, nurse practitioner or physician assistant
- Education on sizing of shoes
- Education on the different types of shoes (neutral, stability, motion control)
- Fitting of the proper accommodative or biomechanical orthotic
- Reduce painful conditions associated with biomechanical deficits through proper modifications to the orthotics, including posting, well cut outs, flanges, heel lifts and others
- Exercise programs to restore function
- Written instruction on proper wear time of the orthotics and footwear
Orthotics are made using a biofoam box to make a mold of the foot or by using the new scanning device that make a 3D image of the foot.
- Plantar fasciitis
- Metatarsalgia
- Posterior tibialis tendonitis
- Peroneal tendonitis
- Charcot foot
- Morton's neuroma
- Semoiditis
- And many more