- Medical Services
- Respiratory & Pulmonary Care
- Screening & Testing
- Pulmonary Function Test
Pulmonary Function Test
How a Pulmonary Function Test can help you
A pulmonary function test (PFT) evaluates how your lungs work. PFTs measure the amount of air in your lungs, how well the lungs move air in and out, and how medications affect the lungs.
Your doctor may send you for PFTs to diagnose a lung disease, measure the severity of lung problems, as a pre-operative work-up or to see if a treatment is working for your lung disease.
A respiratory therapist will guide you through each test in a special exam room that has all the lung function measuring devices. Most of the tests are quick, easy and painless, but be sure to tell the therapist if you feel light-headed, tired or uncomfortable.
As your pulmonary function testing day approaches, you may feel the same anticipation you did back when had final exams in school. What will be on the tests? How should I prepare? Will the tests be hard?
If these familiar questions pop into your head, there's no need to worry. Use this guide for a quick study session, and you'll be ready to go.