Improve Health Resources

North Mississippi Health Services and our community partners are working together to improve the health of our patients, families and the communities we serve. Here are some resources on ways you can improve your health.

This page contains links to several websites that are not owned nor maintained by North Mississippi Health Services. NMHS is not responsible for the content of those websites or the privacy of any information provided by you or collected from you by those websites. Please review each website's Terms and Conditions for use.

Social Determinants of Health

Factors That Influence Length/Quality of Life

Health Factors% of Influence
Health Behaviors30%
Clinical Care20%
Social and Economic40%
Physical Environment10%

Source: County Health Rankings

Contact Us

If you have questions, need more information about our goals or have recommendations for community partners, please contact our Social Determinants of Health Program Manager, Kertenia Hurd, by phone at (662) 377-4677 or email.