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Improve Health

North Mississippi Health Services’ mission is to improve the health of our patients, families and the communities we serve. Where we are born, live, work and age affect a wide range of health risks and outcomes. According to the County Health Rankings Model, social determinants of health have an influence on length and quality of life. We are connecting with partners in our region to address these needs.
These partners will help us identify community resources. Our goal is that in every stage of life, our patients and families can expect good health outcomes regardless of their social conditions.
Our community goal is to reduce preventable disease, illness and injury. We are also interested in improving social and behavioral factors that have a negative effect on the health of the people of our region.
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We’re pleased to partner with the following on our health improvement goals:
Adrenaline Fitness (Booneville, Burnsville, Corinth, Middleton, TN, and Selmer, TN)
Please check back for updates on our health improvement goals and community partners.