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Neonatal Intensive Care
Neonatal Intensive Care Units at NMMC Women's Hospital in Tupelo and NMMC Gilmore-Amory handle the extensive problems of premature or critically ill newborns.

Hey, Baby!
Neonatologists care for sick newborns who are born prematurely, are having difficulty or suffer from congenital malformations or infectious diseases. Our staff treats babies who were born in Tupelo and Amory or transferred by Carexpress from other hospitals.
Secure camera technology provided by the Health Care Foundation of North Mississippi allows NICU parents to check in on their baby via a phone app when they have to be away.
NMMC Women's Hospital, Tupelo
The NICU at NMMC Women's Hospital in Tupelo is a Level 3 facility designed for 34 newborns with the flexibility to accommodate 50. A specially trained nurse is assigned to each semi-private room, which accommodates two newborns. The nurse’s workstation gives the nurse a full view of each room.
Parents may stay overnight in their baby’s room if they choose. Families also have access to a nearby kitchenette, television lounge and shower. The family area also offers computers with Internet access and other resources.
Parents may spend one to three nights in the Discharge Preparation Room before taking their NICU “graduate” home. This home-like environment helps ensure parents are comfortable taking care of their baby on their own, while staff members are nearby to help when needed.
NMMC Gilmore-Amory
NMMC Gilmore-Amory is home to a six-bed, Level 2 NICU with neonatology coverage provided around-the-clock. Parents are encouraged to be active in the plan of care for their newborn. Sleep rooms for parents are provided based on need, location and availability, and a separate waiting area offers flexible visitation. Parents may be asked to have monitored “rooming in” prior to their baby's discharge home. NMMC Gilmore-Amory was one of the first hospitals in northeast Mississippi to include a neonatal unit.
Baby-Friendly Designation
North Mississippi Health Services hospitals in Tupelo, Amory and West Point have earned the highly prestigious international Baby-Friendly designation after a rigorous review process.