Woman holding pillow over ears to drown out husband's snoring

Sleep Medicine

North Mississippi Health Services’ Sleep Disorder Centers are available in Tupelo, Amory, Eupora, Iuka and West Point.

Sleep Medicine Image Callout

A Better Night’s Sleep Isn’t Far Away

An estimated one-third of Americans suffer from a sleep disorder or disturbance. The Sleep Disorders Centers at North Mississippi Health Services can help with diagnosis and treatment.

Conditions & Treatments

Common sleep-related conditions and treatments include:

Sleep Apnea

People with sleep apnea stop breathing repeatedly throughout the night, but often don’t realize it.


An estimated 30% to 50% of the population are affected by insomnia, and 10% have chronic insomnia.

Real World Consequences

Persistent sleep deficit isn’t just unpleasant. It can be dangerous for your health and well-being and potentially that of others. Lack of quality sleep can:

  • Contribute to drowsy driving which causes about 100,000 crashes a year

  • Increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke & diabetes.

  • Contribute to weight gain

  • Cause headaches

  • Contribute to mood disorders & mental health issues

  • Increase the risk of impotence

Signs & Symptoms

If you consistently experience these symptoms, you may benefit from evaluation by a physician trained in sleep medicine:

  • Snoring loudly or being awakened by your own snoring

  • Waking with choking or gasping for breath

  • Pauses in breathing while sleeping

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness

  • Sleeping at inappropriate times – while driving, talking, playing, etc.

  • Temporary weakness in body or speech muscles occurring with strong emotions

  • Sleepwalking, talking or flailing

  • Nightmares or disturbing dreams

  • Sleep-related seizures

  • Repeated leg movements during sleep

  • Difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep

  • Waking too early or with difficulty

Take the First Step

Fortunately, most sleep disorders are treatable once they are diagnosed. The Sleep Disorder Centers can help people overcome sleep apnea, narcolepsy, chronic insomnia and other sleep disorders. The first step is an extensive evaluation by a sleep specialist. The doctor may recommend that you spend a night or two at one of our Sleep Disorders Centers for testing. A polysomnogram, or sleep study, which requires physician’s order, is performed throughout the night in a private room, complete with sophisticated equipment to monitor sleep patterns, breathing, heart activity and body movements.

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