Margaret Denise Fava, CFNP
- English
About Me
Denise Fava, CFNP, received her bachelor’s degree in nursing from the University of Mississippi, and her master’s degree from the University of Mississippi Medical Center. She is a board-certified nurse practitioner.
“I chose health care because the human body fascinates me,” she says. “There is always more to learn. Through my profession I am able to help others – the most rewarding task.”
Denise worked as a nurse at North Mississippi Medical Center before becoming a nurse practitioner and was pleased with the way the employees are treated and the opportunities within the organization. “This organization has high expectations of its employees and the care that patients receive, and I wanted to continue to be a part of those goals,” she says.
In her spare time, she enjoys any outdoor activities, including kayaking and hiking. “I love to travel and explore nature,” she says. “God’s creation amazes me.”

Connected Care Partners is a group of health care providers working for and with North Mississippi Health Services to improve patient care.
- University of Mississippi Medical Center