North Mississippi Surgery Center
11:15 AM - 9:00 PM
11:15 AM - 9:00 PM
11:15 AM - 9:00 PM
11:15 AM - 9:00 PM
11:15 AM - 9:00 PM

Featured Health Services
Specialty Procedures
- Gall bladder removal
- Hernia repair
- Venous access device
- Lumpectomy
- Mass excision
- Lumbar spine surgery
- Cervical fusion
- Cervical disk replacement
- Spinal cord stimulator
- Carpal tunnel release
- Cataract surgery (including laser cataract surgery)
- Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS)
- Tear duct probe surgery
- Mouth restoration
- Knee replacement surgery
- Knee & shoulder arthroscopy
- Knee ligament reconstruction
- Fractures
- Hand & wrist surgery
- Foot & ankle surgery
- Tonsil & adenoid removal
- Thyroid & parathyroid
- Inspire (sleep apnea)
- Laryngeal/airway surgery
- Endoscopic sinus surgery
- Ear tubes
- Specialized ear procedures
- Tummy tuck
- Breast implant/lift
- Breast reduction
- Facelift
- Eyelid surgery
- Liposuction
- Brazilian Butt Lift
Pre-Op Procedures
- Please call (662) 377-4700 between 3-4 p.m. the day before surgery for your child’s arrival time. Please do not call before 3 p.m. This is your arrival time, not your surgery time. Some surgeries take longer than expected so we ask for your patience. We strive to utilize your time wisely but occasionally delays occur.
- Nothing to eat or drink after midnight prior to surgery. This includes gum, candy, snuff, tobacco, etc.—nothing by mouth. The child may brush his/her teeth, rinse and spit, but do not swallow.
- Infants may be breastfed or bottle fed until 2 a.m. the morning of surgery.
- Infants will need a bottle of clear liquids such as water, apple juice, tea, Pedialyte, etc. for immediately after surgery. Bring a bottle of formula for when the child is cleared by the post-op nurse. (Do not give formula until the nurse tells you it is okay to do so). Please label the bottle with the child’s name. Your child may use a pacifier.
- Toddlers will need a sippy cup with clear liquids such as water, apple juice, tea, etc. for immediately after surgery. Please label cup with child’s name.
- Only two adults are allowed to stay with the patient. One (1) adult MUST stay in the patient’s room at all times until the child is discharged.
- Note for visitors: We do not have a cafeteria, only a vending machine. If you are the only adult present, you cannot leave to get food, so please bring snacks if needed. Some surgeries last longer than others. You are encouraged to bring something to occupy time, and don’t forget your phone charger. It is cool in the holding area. You may bring a jacket or blanket for your comfort.
- Dress the child in comfortable clothes or pajamas. Bring extra diapers or underwear and a warm pair of socks.
- Please remove all jewelry. No nail polish may be worn.
- The child may bring a favorite toy or blanket.
- If you need to contact the pre-op nurse, call (662) 377-4720.
- Please call (662) 377-4700 between 3-4 p.m. the day before surgery for your arrival time. Please do not call before 3 p.m. This is your arrival time, not your surgery time. Some surgeries take longer than expected so we ask for your patience. We strive to utilize your time wisely but occasionally delays occur.
- Nothing to eat or drink after midnight prior to your surgery, unless it is medication listed in #4 below. This includes NO gum, candy, snuff, tobacco, etc. – nothing by mouth.
- Do not smoke on day of surgery.
- You will be told which of your medications you need to take prior to your arrival time on the day of surgery.
- Do not take any insulin the morning of surgery. Bring insulin with you the day of surgery. If you are on insulin at bedtime take ½ (half) of the usual insulin dose the night before your surgery, unless you are on a sliding scale in which you will continue the dose. If you have an insulin pump, leave your insulin pump running as normal. If your morning blood sugar is less than 70 call (662) 377-4730 and the nurse will instruct you on pump adjustments.
- Do not come alone. Someone 18 years of age or older must be with you and be able to drive you home at discharge. You cannot be dropped off. Only 2 adults are allowed in the room with the patient. An adult must stay in the room at all times.
- Note for visitors: We do not have a cafeteria, only a vending machine. If you are the only adult present you cannot leave to get food so please bring snacks if needed. Some surgeries last longer than others. You are encouraged to bring something to occupy time, and don’t forget your phone charger. It is cool in the holding area. You may bring a jacket or blanket for your comfort.
- If you are having eye or facial surgery, no makeup should be worn.
- Do not wear jewelry, contacts, dentures, partials, hairpins, glasses or hearing aids. These cannot be worn into the operating room. This includes tongue, belly and other rings/studs, etc. No nail polish may be worn.
- Do wear loose, comfortable clothes such as elastic-waist pants, button up shirts and slip-on shoes (unless joint replacement then must wear closed heel shoes). Please do not wear jeans, belts, boots or other tight-fitting clothes. All patients should bring or wear a warm pair of socks or knee-high stockings. Please bring a full set of extra clothes.
- Do bring your CPAP/BIPAP/inhalers the day of surgery.
- Do take a shower/bath the morning of surgery for infection control purposes.
- If you need to contact the pre-op nurse, call (662) 377-4720.
Make an Appointment
Call us or visit myConnection to make an appointment.