Group of children in a circle with their arms around each others' shoulders Tdap Vaccinations

All Mississippi students entering the seventh grade and all Alabama students entering the sixth grade are required to have a recent Tdap vaccination. These shots are available at some North Mississippi Medical Clinics and North Mississippi Health Services locations.

According to the Mississippi State Department of Health, Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) vaccination provides protection against whooping cough (pertussis), a highly contagious disease that can be severe or fatal, especially in very young children. Infants who are too young to be vaccinated against pertussis must be protected by ensuring that adolescents and adults around them cannot carry the disease.

The following are frequently asked questions in regards to the vaccination:

Why vaccinate at this age?

The immunity received from early childhood vaccination against pertussis weakens over time. Because pertussis is highly contagious, adolescents can contract the disease and easily transmit it to younger children and infants. Pertussis, especially among infants, is now an increasing problem in Mississippi and the U.S. as a whole.

Is this vaccination required?

Yes. These students must have documentation from a physician verifying that they have received a Tdap vaccination. This includes new students, current students and transfer students in both public and private schools. Students who receive the vaccination will be provided the required documentation.

What does the Tdap vaccination cost?

Cost for the vaccine is $90. Eligibility will be checked by reception when patient checks in for those with insurance and appropriate payment/co-payment will be collected. Vaccines for Children providers will charge $10 for the vaccine to those eligible.

Which North Mississippi Medical Clinics and North Mississippi Medical Center locations are offering Tdap for this age group?

How do I schedule my child for a required Tdap vaccination at a North Mississippi Medical Clinics location?

Call the clinic directly or 1-800-THE DESK (1-800-843-3375) Monday-Friday between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. for appointment assistance.