Corporate Health Exam Options
Three types of Corporate Health Exams are available. All three types include:
- Medical History and Physical Exam
- Laboratory Studies to Include:
- CBC - complete blood count
- Comprehensive Metabolic Panel - includes glucose, electrolytes, kidney and liver function tests, and calcium levels
- Lipid profile - includes total cholesterol, LDL (bad), HDL (good) and triglyceride levels
- ESR - erythrocyte sedimentation rate, a measurement of inflammation or infections
- TSH - thyroid stimulating hormone
- CMP - series of blood tests that is a snapshot of your body's chemistry and the way it uses energy
- PSA (for men) - prostate specific antigen
- Pap smear (for women)
- Urinalysis
- Stool occult for blood
- Chest X-ray
- Nutrition Consultation & three-day Nutrition Analysis
- Visual Acuity
- Audiogram
- Immunization Update:
- Tetanus/Diphtheria
- Influenza
- Pneumococcal Pneumonia
- Educational Supplies
To customize your exam, you may add one of the two following heart exams:
- Resting EKG
- Exercise treadmill test or calcium score testing
A referral can be made for the following exams if desired:
- Mammogram
- Bone Density Scan
- Hepatitis A Vaccine (two-shot series)
- Hepatitis B Vaccine (three-shot series)
- Colonoscopy