Low-Dose CT - Finding Lung Cancer In Time
Did you know there’s a great way to find lung cancer while it’s treatable, possibly even curable? It’s called low-dose CT (LDCT), and it’s readily available in our area! Screening with LDCT has been shown to decrease the risk of dying from lung cancer in heavy smokers. The scan is covered by most insurers if the following criteria are met:
- Age 50-80.
- Twenty-pack-year history of smoking. For example, one pack per day for 20 years, two packs per day for 10 years. Any combination that yields 20 pack-years qualifies.
- No signs or symptoms of lung cancer (different interventions needed).
- Able/willing to undergo treatment for lung cancer, if detected.
INTERESTED? Follow these steps:
Step 1: Make an appointment with a primary care provider (PCP). If you don’t have a PCP, just call 1-800-THE-DESK (1-800-843-3375).
Step 2: Have a shared decision-making visit with your PCP. During this time, you will hear the pros and cons and have all your questions answered.
Step 3: Have your LDCT. It only takes a few minutes; you don’t have to fast, and there are no needles or dyes.
Step 4: Receive your results. Get them immediately when completed if you are active on myConnection. (If you’re not signed up for myConnection or the myChart app, ask us how! It’s easy.) Your PCP will let you know if anything needs attention prior to the next annual scan.
Step 5: If you are still smoking and ready to quit, your PCP will provide resources to help you.
Low-dose CT can find lung cancer while it's treatable, possibly even curable.